The Inbetweeners Movie (15, 97 mins)
Director: Ben Palmer
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

With the television series having come to an end, one of the best British comedies of recent years makes the journey from small screen to big, a leap that has historically proved disastrous for most. Taking the route beloved by many, from Are You Being Served to Sex and the City, it sends its four late-teen leads (sensible but odd Will, pining Simon, dopey Neil, and deluded Jay), who are somewhere between leaving school and adulthood, on a roustabout holiday to Greece. There’s no plot as such, as the boys bumble from one humiliating experience to the next, chasing girls but finding themselves seriously out of their depth. It’s uncontrollably crude, but extremely funny, thanks to an endless supply of first rate lines and terrific performances, and for all their faults and idiocy, they’re tremendously likeable lads who might even have grown up a little bit by the end.
I didn't see the tv show but this sounds pretty good. Reminds me of Kevin & Perry Go Large.
ReplyDeleteYou need to watch seasons 1-3 of The Inbetweeners. not to be missed.
ReplyDelete@jervaise brooke. The Inbetweeners was so successful as a series because it very much connects with life in British public schools which a lot of people relate to. The majority of people who will have gone to see it at the cinema will have enjoyed it, as they enjoyed the series. If you don't like the InBetweeners, fine, but please keep your ill-educated comments to yourself.
Just back from seeing the film. Loved the series, and didn't think they could surpass them - but they did! Brilliantly cringeworthy and slightly hard to watch in places - which is exactly what we want! I hope they all fail their exams and have to return to school for another series!
ReplyDelete"The Inbetweeners Movie" would`nt have passed muster as a "Childrens Film Foundation" production 40 years ago, the (so-called..ha..ha..ha) British film industry is an affront to world cinema and an insult to the medium of the moving image. You idiots have got a lot to learn about what constitutes "a good film".
ReplyDeleteObvious troll is obvious.
ReplyDeleteI agree, i think everyone who goes to see "The Inbetweeners Movie" should be be-headed for being so stupid and idiotic, its literally like they`ve paid 6 quid each to watch a 1971 episode of "The Liver Birds" ! ! !.
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous, trolls like jervaise brooke hamster are very important to the internet because they tell the truth as opposed to being liars and hypocrites like everyone else.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous, there would be a massive difference between "The Inbetweeners Movie" and a 1971 episode of "The Liver Birds", namely: the episode of "The Liver Birds" would be about 1000 times funnier and more entertaining. In fact, to compare unwatchable horse-shit like "The Inbetweeners Movie" to greatness like "The Liver Birds" is, strickly speaking, an appalling insult to Nerys Hughes, Polly James, Elizabeth Estensen, and Molly Sugden. I wish someone would drop a hydrogen bomb on the British film industry, the world would be a much more pleasant place without British films, believe me.
ReplyDelete@ Jervaise
"You idiots" have got a lot to learn about what constitutes good grammar.
Just been to see the film and it was funny with exactly the same humour as the series before it. So if that was to your liking I would highly recommend it, if not, stay clear.
ReplyDeleteYou shouldn`t be concerning your self with good grammar.
All you should be concerning yourself with is admitting that "The Inbetweeners Movie" is perhaps the most appalling pile of unwatchable dogs-vomit that has ever disgraced British cinema's with its loathsome, out-moded, lager-lout oriented, hideousness.
Get your priorities right my old mate ! ! !.
Ok so i admit the inbetweeners movie and the tv programme isnt to every ones taste but honestly, some people need to keep their opions to themselves as not everybody wants to hear it! people have the own sense of humour and if they like something they like it end of! but do not insult the british film industry as they make some of the best films that i have watched in my 22 years of being alive! and in recent time all i have seen coming from hollywood is remakes of all of films that have already been made, like how many times can they remake films like friends with benifits? wasnt there a film exaclty like it called no strings attached? how many final destinations films can they make? they have already made 5! the british film industry make THE best period dramas because we have THE best history! when hollywood make something like the caliber of this then i will be impressed but i will continue to watch and LOVE most things that come out of the British film industry because at least most of the time it is original!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous you dont seem to understand, to try to explain things to you a little better perhaps i should go back to what i said earlier with regards to the fact the "The Inbetweeners Movies" would`ve disgraced and embarrassed "The Childrens Film Foundation" back in the late 1960`s, thats the key point i`m making here, the British film industry is still making exactly the same unwatchable garbage that it was making 50 or even 80 years ago, they haven`t moved on one iota, now compare that to the incredible leaps and bounds forward that Hollywood has made in that same period, there really is no comparison. Hollywood movies are pure magic and British movies are a joke, that really is all there is to it.
ReplyDeleteJervais brooke hamster everyone is entitled to their own opinions but you truly have some idiotic ideas about the British film industry. Admittedly Hollywood is at the forefront but it still regularly churns out unwatchable garbage as you put it. The Inbetweeners is not going to change the face of cinema but it will make you laugh, if you have a sense of humour that is!
ReplyDeleteIts true that Hollywood regularly churns out unwatchable garbage but the key point to always remember here is that its 1000 times better than the unwatchable garbage that the British film industry churns out, film is a crap medium by definition irrespective of the country where it originates, its just that British films are the worst crap of all, thats bloody obvious.
ReplyDelete@ jervaise
ReplyDeleteBeing pretentious, opinionated and ignorant is a fantastic way to get attention....but do you truly believe the tripe you come out with? Quick question to establish the validity of your opinions..... Are you American? Coz then we could put your opinions down to the stereotypically American inability to understand English attitudes, sense of irony, or humour.
If you are British however.... God help us all. Lol.
Looks like hamster likes to bum the arse off Hollywood. If you've not seen series u won't know character and prob wudnt like the witty humour anyway. Not seen film yet, but been watching all series over n over. Just wanted to check out critics then come across these crazy USA hamster comments.
ReplyDelete@dan gnu
ReplyDeleteI`m none of the things you called me, i simply tell the truth especially with regards to a film industry that couldn`t produce anything "cinematic" if they`re bloody lives depended on it, you see i`ve always believed that great cinema should revolve wholly and exclusively around incredible special effects not remaking crappy and embarrassingly unfunny sitcoms, what i say isn`t "tripe" its simply "the truth" just accept that OK.
By the way, my nationality is none of your bloody sodding business.
ReplyDeleteI love to bum the arse off of Hollywood but only if the Hollywood in question is a gorgeous 18 year-old bird. By the way, dont waste your time seeing the film, instead watch John Carpenters 1986 cult classic "Big Trouble In Little China", its about ten thousand times better and more entertaining than "The Inbetweeners Movie" ! ! !.
I saw the movie tonight with a cinema full of people, who laughed the entire time. It stayed true to the series and was a nice finish to a well loved and received tv series.
ReplyDeleteAfter watching, I decided to read up on some reviews - and I must say I was quite astonished to see so many identical comments from Jervaise on multiple websites (someone loves cut and paste).
You won't give your nationality - but a simple Internet search pulls up your boring blog which clearly states that you live in Los Angeles.
Yep. An American who seems hell bent on bagging anything British, because America is number 1? Pffft - PLEASE!
You can't call me biaised, because I'm not British, I'm Australian. And all you point out in your inane, incorrectly worded posts is that not only are you a number one idiot, you are also a shining example of Americans not understanding decent humour.
Seriously? Get a life
Matilda, little darlin`, i have a life my dear, and a very good and enjoyable one as well, what makes it so superb is that it revolves wholly and exclusively around trashing the (so-called) British film industry. Believe me Matilda, all i need to do on a daily basis is to trash that laughable, pathetic, abomination known as the British film industry. That is literally all i need to do in order to have a completely satisfying and fulfilling existence ! ! !.
ReplyDeleteyou need to see someone about your mental health problems, because you clearly have them, im dutch and even i found this hilarious and english isnt my first language! you americans need to get a hense of humour
ReplyDeletelol the idiot doesnt realise that more oscars were won by bnritish last time around- the talent in hollywood is british- lol what a muppet. Hed cusses the british film industry in one sentance and bigs up 'hollywood' yet has nbo uinderstanding who is the actual talent in hollywood!
ReplyDeleteCant wait to see Ricky gervais rip the crap out of you lot in jan for the next GG's. Its like you get paid to be cussed by us. If americans best are people like(oddly enough a badly spelt gervais) then i think American will be paying for british services in the entertainment industry for years and years to come!
Hey, "the actual talent in Hollywood" are the special effects technicians not the actors or actresses, another key point here is that Britain doesn`t have any special effects technicians, thats another reason why British made films are a laughable, pathetic, and ludicrously out-moded joke. By the way, Ricky Gervais is one of the most loathsome, odious, hideous, sly, devious, nasty, and truly hateful wolves-in-sheeps-clothing that has ever polluted and besmirched the planet earth with his sickening and horrifying presence.