Chronicle (12A/PG-13, 83 mins)
Director: Josh Trank
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Super-powers meets handheld indie in this well made sci-fi drama that at least scores a few points for originality, as high school student Andrew begins filming all aspects of his life right around the time he and his friends develop telekinetic powers after stumbling across a possibly alien artefact. At first they, and the audience, have fun with it as they discover the extent of their abilities, but as their powers grow, it takes a dangerous turn due to Andrew’s anger stemming from him always being a troubled teen and something of a loner. The homemade nature of the filming isn’t much more than a gimmick, and there’s no real reason it couldn’t be a straight narrative given the lengths sometimes gone to to ensure coverage of events. But the content is powerful enough, with a strong emotional impact to the flipside of the usually lighter superhero escapades, even if it does run out of ideas before the end.
this movie was awesome, i gotta say it wasnt quite what i expected but it was wayy better than i thought it would be, i totally recommend it.